Sunday, September 4, 2011

I think this is what they call limbo.

There are several times in life when you reach a fork in the road.
I do not mean the casual encounter where you merely choose between an obviosly pleasing choice and a not-so pleasing one. No, i'm talking about a true-blue what the hell should I do decision. There isn't a clear 'right or wrong', 'good or evil' option.
This decision-making period is what I call limbo.
I am currently not in this particular position, but one of my best friends is.

I felt compelled to write about it. I can offer no solution or suggestions to him.
I just wanted to express that it is something that happens to everyone at least once, right?

I find myself in a limbo-like state as well. I am slave to my current plan; however, if said plans were to suddenly fall apart I would be left with the pieces only . It is unlike me to be without a contingency plan, but alas, this is where I am. Limbo. It wouldn't be as daunting if it were fact that limbo had an end. Sadly, this is not so and limbo could last a lifetime.

However, I'm confident it won't. Let's hope it won't last for my friend either.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. if limbo lasts a lifetime, it would seem to me that one puts themselves in limbo by not getting out of that state
